Faculty of Medicine of Sorocaba

The School of Medicine of Sorocaba belongs to the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Health (FCMS) of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, which is the unit of PUC-SP dedicated to teaching and research in health. The FCMS has three courses: Medicine, Nursing and Sciences. It is located in the city of Sorocaba (90 km from the capital) which has a population estimated by the IBGE (2009) of 584.313 inhabitants.



The Faculty of Medicine of Sorocaba was founded on December 8, 1949. However, the idea and the preparations took place well before. More precisely in 1947, when Dr. Gualberto Moreira was elected mayor. At that time, the mayor of Sorocaba had at hand all the tools available to found several colleges, especially a medical school, Sorocaba turning of Manchester Paulista in "City of Schools".

The inauguration of the hospital school occurred on January 6, 1951. At that time there were 13 medical schools in Brazil, two in the state of São Paulo: USP 1913 and School of Medicine, 1933. Therefore, Sorocaba was the third operation in the state.

The history faculty has been documented by Dr. Hely Felisberto Carneiro in 248 pages of his book "The Medical School of Sorocaba and 50 years of its history" which is available for loan and consultation in the Library of PUC and for sale at bookstore campus (MedShop).


The campus offers laboratories in the areas of Anatomy, Biology, Histology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Surgical Techniques, Informatics, Imaging, Procedures, and a laboratory for morphological and functional support activities to various modules.

Practical activities are carried out in municipal health, Health Center-School (UBS) in General and Specialty Clinic and Hospital Complex of Sorocaba (CHS) consists of three hospitals within the campus Hospital Santa Lucinda of PUC-SP with 150 beds and Regional Hospitals and Leonor Mendes de Barros with 495 beds, both of state) where they are made of highly complex medical procedures like bariatric surgery, kidney transplant and cornea.

Hospital Santa Lucinda was donated to the PUC-SP in 1950 by the President of Votorantim Group then (José de Moraes Ermírio) and years after it was built by the State Government Regional Hospital Sorocaba and Hospital Leonor Mendes de Barros (initially only for tuberculosis). Under an agreement of more than four decades with the state PUC students have free access to Regional Hospitals and Leonor Mendes de Barros.

The CHS is responsible for servicing the tertiary level of 48 municipalities in southwest São Paulo with a population of over 3 million inhabitants. Reference state is the treatment of burns[1] and in 2009 was invested over five million Real to new motherhood.[2] The best scientific work in 2009 in the area of burns, according to the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, was coordinated by medical Hamilton Aleardo Gonella and held at CHS. For a year, Gonella's team researched the application of dressings with nanocrystalline silver. The technique, tested in five patients of CHS, had positive results, expanding the range of dressing change which reduces the patient's suffering and costs in hospital care. The Plastic Surgery Service CHS has 34 awards for scientific work in various areas. About burns, are at least ten.[3]

The Ambulatory Surgery Hernia model is,[4] several training sessions are conducted for surgeons throughout the country. Sorocaba is a technique performed the cut is between 2 and 2.5 cm, smaller than the procedures used elsewhere.[5]

PUC-SP is one of the colleges with the most seats in medical residency, there are 54 vacancies for access (120 scholarships totaling accredited[6]) in 19 specialties and over 39 waves of access to expertise / Internship in 20 specialties. The services were most competitive in 2009 Plastic Surgery (29 candidates per seat), General Surgery (24 w / v) and Medicine (24 w / v).[7]

Curricular Reform

The system adopted is the Joint (PBL + Traditional). PBL is not as pure as there are classes in the traditional method that are called supports practical and theoretical. Thanks to the new curriculum and its social work on the periphery of Sorocaba, PUC won the Brazil Health,[8] One of the most important medical area in the country created 15 years ago and recognized internationally, Brazil Health Project is based on the premise of communication ethics and social responsibility in education programs in health, environment and citizenship.[9]

The Ministry of Education of Brazil has followed the global trend of adopting the methodology Problem-based learning (PBL) by programs such as ProMED (Program of Incentives to Change Curriculum of Medical Schools) and Pro-Health (National Programme for Re-Training Health) which costs the transition to the new curriculum at the PUC in federal government investment of $ 1.3 million in new classrooms, laboratories, materials, books. Many colleges have enrolled in these programs but few were selected.[10]

Of the 185 courses that have submitted proposals to the Pro-Health, only 90 (38 medical, 27 nursing and 25 dental) were chosen by the program. The PUC was one of 38 medical schools selected for the Pro-Health.[11]


Fifth year students can choose which hospital will perform the internship mandatory, also known as stage elective. These students can choose from renowned hospitals such as Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Emilio Ribas Hospital, and Unimed Sorocaba. Another alternative is an internship in French hospitals such as Saint-Philibert Saint Vincent and the Faculté Libre de Médecine of the Université Catholique de Lille and the Grupo Hospitalar Pitié-Salpêtrière (Paris).

Thanks to the Convention Foreign Ministry, African students every year (with priority given to Portuguese-speaking nations) come to Brazil to attend Medicine at PUC-SP. In recent years, undergraduates have been received Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Ghana etc. Throughout the university, 62 scholarships are borne fully by the PUC-SP, which add to those from other Brazilian universities.

External reviews

The Concept Preliminary course consists of 40% over the average of the course and institution in Enade 30% on the knowledge gained by students throughout the course, be measured by tests at the beginning and end of the course, and 30% based on the titles of teachers, as doctoral and masters, and the infrastructure of the institution.[12] According to the Student Guide (3 stars), the Medical School of Sorocaba is among the top 18 medical schools in Brazil from 178 existing ones.

The PUC-SP is the 4th power of Brazil (behind the USP, UNIFESP and Santa Casa) with the largest number of alumni in today's clinical Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (over UNESP, Campinas, USP-Ribeirão), 27 are graduates of the PUC-Sorocaba (5% of 534 physicians HIAE).[13]

In the article in the Journal of Einstein:[14] "When you analyze the institutions where the professionals have completed your degree, there is little representation of public schools in São Paulo (UNESP, UNICAMP, USP-Ribeirão), all recognized as offering high-quality education. A study by Dr. Maria Helena Machado, 2001, on the profile of Brazilian physician, showed that over 70% of graduates of Colleges Screen exert their activities within, which certainly brings an explanation for our results. Moreover, this same work, it is shown that only 47% of graduates from the Faculty of Medicine, PUC-SP (Sorocaba) remain in interior, which, in addition to the tradition of over five decades from the College, helps us to better interpret the results of this study. "

Renowned Professors (acting)

Notable alumni


  1. ^ http://www.cruzeirodosul.inf.br/acervo/2007/11/11/20071111-caderno_de_domingo-37833.shtml
  2. ^ http://www.cruzeirodosul.inf.br/acervo/2009/06/07/20090607-sorocaba-191818.shtml
  3. ^ http://www.bomdiasorocaba.com.br/Noticias/Dia-a-dia/6044/Congresso+premia+trabalho+sobre+queimadura+no+CHS
  4. ^ http://www.cruzeirodosul.inf.br/acervo/2005/06/17/20050617-cidades-373451.shtml
  5. ^ http://www.cruzeirodosul.inf.br/acervo/2005/12/14/20051214-city-379274.shtml
  6. ^ "Right Frame". http://www.sorocaba.pucsp.br/atg/residencia/estatisticas.php?fnc=7&curso_id=9999. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  7. ^ "Medical Residency PUC-SP/2010 - Fac Sciences Medical and Health (CCMB )". http://vestibular3.pucsp.br/resi2010/relcv.htm. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  8. ^ = 64 "Portal Health Net Brazil". http://www.saudebrasilnet.com.br/SBN_PORTAL/frmListagemMateria.aspx?COD_SECAO = 64. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  9. ^ "PUCSP Campus Sorocaba". http://www.sorocaba.pucsp.br/atn/news.php?id_news=652&id=1&sub=29. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  10. ^ http://www.abem-educmed.org.br/pro_saude/publicacao_pro-saude.pdf
  11. ^ "PUCSP Campus Sorocaba". http://www.sorocaba.pucsp.br/atn/news.php?id_news=537&id=1&sub=29. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  12. ^ "Medical Schools • • • • From Brazil". http://www.escolasmedicas.com.br/enade07_comp.php. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  13. ^ http://www.einstein.br/biblioteca/pdf/portugues/Einstein_artigo2.pdf
  14. ^ http://www.einstein.br/biblioteca/pdf/portugues/Einstein_artigo2.pdf
  15. ^ "PUCSP Campus Sorocaba". http://www.sorocaba.pucsp.br/atn/news.php?id_news=1193&id=1&sub=29. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  16. ^ "PUCSP Campus Sorocaba". http://www.sorocaba.pucsp.br/atn/news.php?id_news=937&id=1&sub=29. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  17. ^ "The medical doctors suggest - Portal See SP". http://vejasaopaulo.abril.com.br/revista/vejasp/edicoes/2030/m0140716.html. Retrieved October 27, 2009.